The time I was almost drawn into a Futurama episode

Dann Berg's Futurama Head in a Jar Tattoo

What do you do when you cross a borderline unhealthy relationship with Futurama and  a free trial of LinkedIn premium?

You get inches away from being drawn into a Futurama episode.

My love affair with Futurama started long after the show was off the air (for the first time). I never really watched the show during the original six-season stint, even though I remember gathering around the living room TV to watch the premiere episode. Continue reading

My Menu Bar: 16 Apps That Made the Cut

Menu Bar

I don’t allow just any app to take up space in my menu bar. It’s prime real estate — always on the screen and accessible regardless of whatever app I’m currently using. It’s the perfect place to store small snippets of useful information, like how many unread emails I have or which apps are connected to the internet.

I’ve spent a lot of time building the perfect menu bar, and I want to share with you what I’ve crafted. Here’s my essential menu bar apps, listed in the order in which they appear. Continue reading

(Short) 5 easy changes that will drastically improve your life

NNL PodcastThese are five little changes that will have the biggest impact on your life and productivity. This is a Novice No Longer Podcast short. Read the full article here:

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How often do you floss?

Looking at floss

The best new habit I picked up in 2013 is flossing daily. But I was weary of calling it a new habit at first because I’d had plenty of false starts when it comes to flossing — a few days of inspired flossing before it was back to my old routine of only brushing.

The problem wasn’t building an entirely new routine, it was that I already had an established routine that didn’t involve flossing. Plus, the routine already had a cue and reward system (cue: time for bed! reward: minty-fresh mouth!) so it would be significantly harder to cram even more into the routine.

But I’ve been flossing now, every day, for over four months — and I think the habit is here to stay.

How was I able to successfully build a new flossing habit? Continue reading

5 easy changes that will drastically improve your life

When building new habits or learning new skills, it’s important to focus on the smallest changes that will result in the biggest results. This is known as the Pareto principle, or the 80-20 rule, which states that “for many events, roughly 80 percent of the effects come from 20 percent of the causes.” This is an extremely powerful rule, because it means that you can have a huge impact on your life, or your work, by simply focusing on the right tasks.

I’ve compiled a list of five easy changes that will have a huge impact on your quality of life. These aren’t huge systems nor will you have to change your entire life around. Rather, they’re small habits that will become second nature in a couple of weeks yet have long-lasting effects on your productivity and mental state. Continue reading